Center pivot irrigation system that are being developed for the purpose of irrigating large agricultural areas in the most economic way and at high performance in many locations of the world. They have made themselves to be accepted also with the being irrigated of a lot of plants under different land and climatic conditions as the years pass.
Center Pivot can operate at slopes that reach 15% while Linear Irrigation Machinery can operate at slopes that reach 5%.
Electric Power is needed for the irrigation equipment (No Pump in it and needed Pressure from Pump to system ,h=20-40 m)
Center Pivot system: For each Span 0,55 Kw+Dosing Pump for fertilizer and pesticide 1,5-2 Kw… Total is about 4 Kw+ Dosing Pump for fertilizer and pesticide 1,5-2 Kw
The water usage efficiency in the Center Pivot Irrigation systems reaches to 90 – 95 %. Center Pivot Irrigation Machinery comprises of towers whith the height of 3,60 m and the length of Span is 34 to 60 meters.
Thousands of acres of land can be irrigated automatically with Center Pivot Irrigation systems without manual intervention. Center Pivot Irrigation Machinery may reach up to 1100 meters of radius by starting from 50 meters (A single machine can affect irrigation up to an area of approximately 3800 decares).
You may affect irrigation with Center Pivot Irrigation systems by using less water that reaches 35 % – 50 % compared to other surface Irrigation systems.
Spraying of pesdicites and fertilisers from a single center is possible in the Center pivot irrigation system.
We have different type Irrigation Sprinklers which are Durable, long lıfe, economıc, wıth water and energy savıngs.
Following plants can be irrigated with Center Pivot Irrigation systems:
- Corn, Wheat,
- Barley, Clover,
- Sugar Beet,
- Low Height Fruit and Citrus Trees,
- Watermelon – Melon,
- All Fodder Plants,
- Cotton, Onion, Potatoes,
- Legumes, and
- A number of other plants may be irrigated with Center Pivot and Linear Irrigation Machinery.

For example:
Wetted area=21.00 HA=50 Feddan – Center Pivot Irrigation System needed: Radius is 254.40 m 4 Spans (4 Spans 60.60m 6 5/8”) +12m Overhang
Wetted area=25.00 HA=60 Feddan – Center Pivot Irrigation System needed: Radius is 274.75 m 5 Spans (3 spans 54.85 m 6 5/8”+2 spans 49.10 m 6 5/8” ) +12m Overhang

Main structure has heavy duty legs with the size of 80X80X6 mm angle iron. The legs are connected with 50x50x4 mm angle iron. Pivot riser pipe and the pivot head are manufactured with 8 5/8” pipe. Riser Pipe seal is V type that is resistive for impermeability under the high pressure. Intake elbow flange can be adjustable for needed direction where the water source comes from. Pivot point has a ladder to reach top.
Other components are; Collector ring: 11rings, numbered coded, IP 66 Manometer: 0-10 Bar, stainless stell frame, glycerine Pressure gauge: Low and high pressure protective. 0-10 Bar adjustable.
Avaliable Spans;
► 65,3 Mts (213ft) ► 59,4 Mts (194ft) ► 53,5 Mts (175ft) ► 47,6 Mts (156ft) ► 41,7 Mts (137ft) ► 35,8 Mts (116ft)
Spans can be produced with 5 9/16” , 6 5/8” and 8 5/8” outer diameter. The minumum thickness of pipes 2,7- 3,0mm. It can be changed by the customer desires up to 3,5 mm. Connection steels are standart 50x50x4/5mm angle iron. Truss rods are produced 18,20,22 mm according to main pipe size. Spans are connected to each other with stabizer joint that has 12 bar working pressure.

1-Collector ring and number coded 2- Stabilizer joint connection, vertical, flexible, 12 bar operating pressure 3- Pivot head 8 5/8″ 4- Riser welment, 8 5/8″ 4 mm, manometer, pressure switch 5- High duty legs 6- Main Control Panel, (2mm galvanized sheet metal, painted, double covered, sealed,fan coil unit,mortise lock, IP 66)
PIPES: The pipes that are being used in the Center Pivot and the Linear Irrigation Systems comprise of hot – dip galvanized steel or aluminum pipes. The resistance of the pipes may be increased by cladding the internal parts of the pipes by PVC material on optional basis for increasing their resistance to chemicals.
7-MAIN CONTROL PANEL: The best and user-friendly control panel in the marked is used to be in Center Pivot and Linear Irrigation Systems. Control panel includes operating direction, open/close, irrigation ratio and drive voltage and design privately for each system.
8-PRESSURE REGULATOR: 06 PSI, 10 PSI, 12 PSI, 15 PSI, 20 PSI, 25 PSI, 30 PSI, 35 PSI, 40 PSI, 50 PSI, pressure regulator is implemented optionally according to project.