The Linear Irrigation Systems are developed for the purpose of the irrigating of rectangular shaped fields. The machine that takes water affects irrigation by making a linear movement a long a line for the system to operate.
* The Linear Irrigation Machinery may provide a water usage efficiency that may reach up to 95 %. The Linear Irrigation Machinery do not leave any areas that are not irrigated by affecting irrigation up to the %98 of the land.
Electric Power is needed for the irrigation equipment (No Pump in it and needed Pressure from Pump to system ,h=20-40 m)
Lineer system: For each Main Tower 1,10 Kw + Span 0,5 Kw+ Dosing Pump for fertilizer and pesticide 1,5-2 Kw
Motion area of linear irrigation

* The Linear Irrigation Systems can comfortably operate at slopes tha may reach 4-5 %. Area is devided generaly 600 m wide x900 m long or 400 m wide x 1200 m long. But the lenght of the systems may reach up to 1000 meters.
Spraying of pesdicites and fertilisers from a single center is possible in the linear irrigation system.
Linear Irrigating Machinery that has several types that have different operating forms are present : a) Machinery that move linearly, b) Systems that move linearly and that affect rotational movement
We have different type Irrigation Sprinklers which are Durable, long lıfe, economıc, wıth water and energy savıngs.
Following plants can be irrigated with Center Pivot Irrigation systems:
* Corn, Wheat,
* Barley, Clover,
* Sugar Beet,
* Low Height Fruit and Citrus Trees,
* Watermelon -Melon,
* All Fodder Plants,
* Cotton, Onion, Potatoes,
*Legumes, and a number of other plants may be irrigated with Linear Irrigation Machinery.

PIPES:The pipes that are being used in the Center Pivot and the Linear Irrigation Systems comprise of hot – dip galvanized steel or aluminum pipes.

The resistance of the pipes may be increased by cladding the internal parts of the pipes by PVC material on optional basis for increasing their resistance to chemicals.
7-MAIN CONTROL PANEL: The best and user-friendly control panel in the marked is used to be in Center Pivot and Linear Irrigation Systems. Control panel includes operating direction, open/close, irrigation ratio and drive voltage and design privately for each system.