Inverters used in solar systems are divided into two. Off-Grid inverter and On-Grid inverter.
The battery is charged with direct current through the solar panel, it is the device that takes the batteries and converts them to alternating current. Off grid inverters are generally divided into two according to their wave outputs:
Inverters are electronic devices that convert DC electrical energy into AC electrical energy. There are three types of off-grid photovoltaic systems: square wave, modified sine and full sine. Modified sine and full sine models are frequently used in solar systems.
The modified inverter does not give pure sine output wave like full sine inverter. Therefore, it is not recommended to be used in more sensitive motor devices such as refrigerators, washing machines and pumps. Modified sine inverter can cause such sensitive devices to deteriorate over time. Their prices are more affordable than full sine inverters.
The full sine inverter outputs the dc voltage from the batteries in the form and frequency of the mains wave. The efficiencies of Full Sine wave inverters range from 89 to 94. Working frequencies are also 50/60 Hz. Full-sine inverters are used more commonly than modified inverters because they provide trouble-free operation in motorized loads such as refrigerators, hydrophores, washing machines. At the same time, the use of this inverter is preferred due to its high inrush feature in the operation of high current devices such as compressors.
Inverters full sine models are two types, MPPT and PWM. New generation inverters used in solar systems are smart inverters that also include a charge controller. This type of inverters show the user the production information of the solar panel, battery voltage values, electricity usage. These inverters contain a convector (AC-DC converter) so that batteries can be charged with mains or generator support.
Inverter power should be greater than the sum of the powers you will use in your system. If you want to make the most ideal choice when buying an inverter, you will need to know the power consumed by the devices you will use in the system. The inverter will have a working logic, it must be higher than the sum of the power of the devices that are running or will be running at the same time.
Let’s give an example :We have a vineyard home. The devices we want to operate here are as follows:
Lighting System – 100 watts / hour,Television and Satellite Receiver – 180 watts / hour,Refrigerator – 1000 watts / day (let’s say about 50 watts per hour),Washing Machine – 800 watts / hour,Dishwasher – 1800 watts / hour, Ceiling Fan 50 Watt per hour x 3 pcs.
Considering that all devices will work at the same time in this system, we need to buy 50% higher inverters for the most ideal inverter.
Total power : 3080 Watt / Hour Inverter to Choose. 5000 Watt Full Sine
But if we use power in this system economically, for example, when the dishwasher is running, we do not operate other devices and if we only operate the refrigerator, we can choose the inverter lower. In the system operated like this, the following inverter can be selected.
Total power ; 1850 Watt / Hour Inverter to Choose; 2500 or 3000 Watt Full Sine.

Modified sine inverter: Increases the number of square waves, imitating the full sine wave in the form of a stair step. Television, lighting etc. They run such devices smoothly.
Full sine inverter: With this inverter, which produces a full sine wave, it can be used in off grid applications of domestic devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, water pumps or industrial devices.