PV Solar system(photovoltaıc system).Photovoltaic means generating electricity from photons. This production is provided by photovoltaic panels (PV). It is the most common system used in electricity production from the sun today.
Since grid-connected solar systems operate in a network-oriented manner, the voltage values of solar panels are very important. Panels should be connected according to the voltage range in which the inverters can operate. Voltage and current values change according to the power value of the panels. In new generation systems, panels of 250 W and above are preferred for network connection. While determining the panel capacity for these systems, average sunbathing time is important according to the winter conditions as in off-grid system design.
Solar panels, the most basic part of photovoltaic systems, are the part where electricity is produced from the sun. It converts solar energy into electrical energy through solar cells made of semiconductor silicon material that it contains in the solar panel. There are solar panels in different capacities. These vary according to the areas of solar cells and their arrangement. There are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thinfilm and many more types of solar panels.
Polycrystalline Solar Panels
Polycrystalline Solar Panels are made from similar silicon material hence instead of going through the slow and more expensive process of creating a single crystal, molten silicon is just put into a cast and cooled with a seed crystal. By using the casting method, the crystal surrounding the seed isn’t uniform and branches into many, smaller crystals, thus “polycrystalline”.The surface has a jumbled look with many variations of blue color. Ankara Solar developed many type of polycrystalline solar modules.
Below you can find some technical information about Polycrystalline Solar Panels.
AS-P72 310-345W Poly Solar Panel

Monocrystalline Solar Panels
Monocrystalline Solar Panels have been the go-to choice for many years. They are among the oldest, most efficient and most dependable ways to produce electricity from the sun.
Each module is made from a single silicon crystal and it is recognized by their color which is typically black or iridescent blue. Today developed many type of monocrystalline solar panels.There was some negative effect in high temperature media,but that problem is solved with new model which is monocrystalline Perc. So monocrystalline Perc is more preferable than the Polycrystalline Panel.
Below you can find some technical information about our Monocrystalline Perc Panel.
M72 370-400W Mono Perc Solar Panel

Bifacial Solar Panels
Bifacial modules produce solar power from both sides of the panel. Whereas traditional opaque-backsheeted panels are monofacial, bifacial modules expose both the front and backside of the solar cells. When bifacial modules are installed on a highly reflective surface (like a white TPO roof or on the ground with light-colored stones), some bifacial module manufacturers claim up to a 30% increase in production just from the extra power generated from the rear.
Bifacial modules come in many designs. Some are framed while others are frameless. Some are dual-glass, and others use clear backsheets. Most use monocrystalline cells, but there are polycrystalline designs. The one thing that is constant is that power is produced from both sides. There are frameless, dual-glass modules that expose the backside of cells but are not bifacial. True bifacial modules have contacts/busbars on both the front and back sides of their cells.